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Our mission: the Solarpunk future

Photo by Christin Noelle on Unsplash

Solarpunk is a subgenre of science fiction and a movement that envisions a hopeful, sustainable future with renewable energy, ecological harmony, and community-driven societies. It draws inspiration from a variety of sources, including sustainable architecture, permaculture, DIY culture, and alternative energy sources.  Solarpunk is a new movement, but has quickly gained momentum as people became more cognizant of climate change, pollution, and waste and began searching for ways to do better.  

In practice, Solarpunk is not just about imagining a utopian future, but about actively working towards it in the present. This can involve making changes to one's lifestyle and advocating for policies that promote sustainability, resilience, and social justice.

Here are some examples of how individuals can help bring about the Solarpunk future:

  1. Embrace renewable energy: One of the main tenets of Solarpunk is the use of renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, and geothermal power. Individuals can incorporate this into their lifestyle by installing solar panels on their roofs, using energy-efficient appliances, and supporting renewable energy initiatives in their community.
  2. Grow your own food: Another key aspect of Solarpunk is the promotion of sustainable agriculture and permaculture. Individuals can grow their own food in community gardens or urban farms, participate in community-supported agriculture programs, or support local farmers who use sustainable and regenerative farming practices.  Planning tools (like have recently become more popular because they make growing food more feasible and accessible for the average busy person.
  3. Use green transportation: Solarpunk advocates for the use of sustainable modes of transportation such as cycling, walking, and public transit. Individuals can reduce their carbon footprint by biking or walking to work, using public transportation, or driving electric or hybrid cars.
  4. Reduce waste: Solarpunk also emphasizes the reduction of waste and the use of circular economy principles. Individuals can incorporate this into their lifestyle by practicing zero-waste habits, recycling and composting, and avoiding single-use plastics.
  5. Advocate for sustainability: Lastly, Solarpunk is about advocating for policies and initiatives that promote sustainability, resilience, and social justice. Individuals can get involved in local environmental organizations, participate in climate strikes and protests, and lobby their elected representatives for policies that support renewable energy, green infrastructure, and sustainable agriculture.

I'm so excited to have found a movement that perfectly encapsulates my values, and look forward to more blog entries discussing various ways that individuals can contribute to this Solarpunk future.


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