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Gardening Guide: Thinning Seedlings 🌱


Starting a garden from seed can be a great way to grow your own fruits and vegetables. However, as the seedlings begin to grow and mature, it is important to thin them out to ensure that the remaining seedlings have enough space to grow and thrive.

What is thinning?

When seedlings are first planted, they are usually sown very close together to guarantee that some of them germinate in an area.  Thinning is the process of removing some of the seedlings from a group to give the remaining seedlings more space to grow.  

Depending on how you originally planted your seeds, this could be one of the more difficult gardening tasks you encounter throughout your entire season.  Thinning becomes more difficult if you planted multiple seeds in the same spot instead of spacing individual seeds at the manufacturer-recommended seed spacing distance.

Also, regardless of your sowing method, thinning can be a laborious task for crops like beets or carrot where the sheer number of seedlings coming up means that you have a lot of thinning to do.  Whatever you do- avoid planting multiple seeds per hole at the seed-spacing distance, when you know that you're just going to need to thin them down to the plant spacing distance in a few weeks.  That is simply a waste of seeds.  Find a balance between wanting to ensure that seeds will germinate and understanding where the final mature plants need to end up.

Why is thinning important?

Thinning is important for a few reasons.  First, thinning helps to ensure that the remaining seedlings have enough space to grow and develop properly. If the seedlings are left too close together, they will have to compete for nutrients and water, which can lead to stunted growth and poor yields.  

Second, thinning helps to keep your garden healthy. Overcrowded plants are more stressed and get less air circulation, which can allow disease and pests to quickly take hold.

When to thin seedlings?

The timing of thinning seedlings depends on the type of plant you are growing. In general, seedlings should be thinned once they have their first true leaves. This usually occurs when the seedlings are about 2-3 inches tall.  Definitely, as soon as you notice leaves touching each other or stems bending, it is time to start thinning.  Also, if one straggler seedling emerges far later than all the rest, or has any visible malformations or damage, it should be removed.

How to thin seedlings?

 Here are the steps to follow:
  1. Wait until the seedlings have their first true leaves. This usually occurs when the seedlings are 2-3 inches tall.
  2. Choose which seedlings to remove. Ideally, you should remove the weaker, smaller seedlings, leaving only the strongest and healthiest ones.
  3. Carefully snip or pinch the unwanted seedlings off at the base of their stem.  Avoid pulling them out from their roots as this could disturb the seedlings you want to keep.
  4. Water the remaining seedlings to help them recover from the shock of thinning.


Thinning seedlings can be tough for even the most seasoned gardener- after all, you hold the power to decide whether a seedling stays or goes!  Just remember that you're giving the remaining seedlings their best chance at thriving in your garden.  Another tip: some of the seedlings you remove may be edible, so do some research to see whether you can eat what you're gathering.  Think of it as getting an extra-early crop yield.  Happy growing!


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